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resep masakan indonesia
Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Xi'an International Conference Update 4

Dear Participants,
To make your hotel reservation, please call the Sales Office of Xi’an Nanyang Grand Hotel directly. The contact information is as follows: Associate Sales Director, Yanghui Nie, Tel: (86) 13991854927; Email: Another Sales Associate, Le Wang, may be reached at (86) 1375997516. Please do not call the front desk for any reservations as the front desk can only give a 20% discount, while CAERDA has negotiated a 50% special discount for our members with the hotel’s Sales Office.
CAERDA会员订房,请直接拨打南洋大酒店销售部的电话。她们的联系方式如下:销售部副总监:聂阳慧,手机号:13991854927;电邮是。 另一位销售:王乐, 手机号是13759975216。注意,订房请不要打酒店的门市电话,因为门市的房价只能打八折,而CAERDA 会员通过酒店销售部订房可打五折。
Rui Bai, Ph.D.
Wen Ma, Ph.D.
Chuang Wang, Ph.D.