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Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Xi'an Conference Update 2

Dear Xi'an International Conference participants:

1. Please register for the Xi’an International Conference as soon as possible, preferably no later than May 1, 2014. The conference planning committee would like to finalize the participants and sessions to prepare the final conference program, which we hope to share with you by mid-May. Please use this link to view the relevant membership registration, conference registration rate, and conference hotel location and rate: [参加会议者请尽快注册,最好在五月一日前完成注册。组委会计划在五月中旬公布会议日程。会议注册费,会员费,会议旅馆等事宜请参阅以下网址:。] 

2. CAERDA has negotiated a 50% discounted rate for the conference hotel if the reservation is made before May 10, 2014. When making reservation, make sure that you mention being a CAERDA member to attend the Xi’an International Conference in order to receive the 50% discounted rate. [南洋酒店定客房希望能在五月十日前打南洋大酒店的订房电话只要报协会名称就可以享受5 折优惠。]

3. If you need airport pick-up and other travel services, please contact Miss Li Fang at the Sales Center of the Shaanxi China Travel Services, Inc. Her contact information is as follows: Tel: (86)029-82403546; Cell: (86)13892842062; Email: [陕西中国旅游社有限公司外联销售中心经理李芳女士为协会会员提供接机和旅游服务。她的联系方式如下:电话:(86)029-82403546或82403502;手机:13892842062;电邮需要旅游和接机服务的话可以和她们联系。]

4. If you have other logistical concerns and need help, please contact Miss Yao Fei (Email: or Miss Dong Yi (Email: [协会在西安的秘书处安排了两位老师负责和会员具体沟通联系,她们的联系方式如下:电话: (86)029-82668978 或82696434。两位秘书的名字是:姚菲(电邮;东怡(电邮。]

Rui Bai, Ph.D.
Wen Ma, Ph.D.
Chuang Wang, Ph.D.
Conference Co-Chairs